HPS Architecture & Engineering
This is a joint venture of the following companies:
- HSG Design & Structure BV along with the Indian location CSOin Design & Structure pvt. ltd.
- Prent Landman Architecten BV
- Sweegers en de Bruijn BV
- HPS Architecture & Engineering has a cooporation with Synergy India
Goal is to provide service outside The Netherlands in developing healthcare buildings.
These services can consist of:
- hospital architecture & engineering
- composing program requirements
- construction consultancy
- engineering consultancy
- energy management consultancy
- building-operation consultancy
- turn-key design consultancy
The specialties of the participating companies
1 HSG Design & Structure BV / CSOin Design & Structure pvt. Ltd.
- Member of the BNA (Royal Dutch Union of Architects)
- Architecture
- ISO certified
- Coordination
- Expertise in the field of development and engineering
2 Prent – Landman Architects
- Member of the BNA (Royal Dutch Union of Architects)
- Activities in the field of Architecture, design, implementation, maintenance
- Care concepts
- Program line-up
- Expected running costs/ cost control
- Care logistics
3 Sweegers and de Bruijn BV
- Activities in the field of engineering consultancy in the most extensive sense
- Advice on indoor environment, climate control, electrical and mechanicals installations
- Internal transport, energy control and power management
- Building physics, energy studies and sustainability advice
- Building control and maintenance, complaint research and advise concerning sustainability
- Advice on implementing medical equipment
- Concept development
- Member of the NVTG (Association for technical facility Professionals in the healthcare sector)
- Board member of the VCCN (Association Contamination Control The Netherlands) discussed the new guidelines and trends
- Member platform geothermal Energy Committee – Energy from natural resources and sustainable construction